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  • File specification

File specification

Last updated:2022-03-28 14:59

General specification

  1. Check if there are special characters in the file name. We recommend that the name only contains Chinese, English, and numbers, because filenames with special characters can easily cause transcoding failure.
  2. Check whether there are special characters in the path where the file is stored. A path containing special characters can easily cause transcoding failure.
  3. Documents are required to be editable. The "read-only", "encrypted", and other protected documents can easily cause transcoding failure.
  4. Use Microsoft Office 2013 or later when editing files. Files made by lower versions of Microsoft Office or other software such as WPS, Keynote, and Microsoft Office 2003, are not supported.

PowerPoint files

  1. PowerPoint file supports up to 100 MB.
  2. The pages of PowerPoint slides can't exceed 500.
  3. We recommend that the file size of the PowerPoint presentation does not exceed 5 MB, and the size of a single PowerPoint page doesn't exceed 300 KB (including all elements such as text, images, and files). If not, the file loading can be slow or fail.
  4. We recommend you use the default Chinese or English fonts of the operating system in PowerPoint files. Don't use the fonts installed by yourself. Non-operating system default fonts can easily cause garbled text and presentation style errors. For more about the supported fonts, see Supported PowerPoint fonts.
  5. To use the clicking tool for clicking the current slide to turn pages, you need to set the "Flip with a click" first in your PowerPoint first.
  6. Don't insert Flash files into PowerPoint files, and Flash playback is not supported.
  7. Don't insert audio and video files in PowerPoint, if you have to insert, mind the following: a. The embedded audio, video files in the PowerPoint can only be playback. Pause and progress control are not supported. b. When inserting video files in PowerPoint, don't enanle the feature that automatically playback the video after fliping to next page or clicking to play the animation effects; othwise, the presentation content can out of sync in multiple devices.
  8. When inserting a GIF image into the PowerPoint, mind the following: a. You need to set the property of GIF images to loop playback before inserting; Otherwise, the GIF images can be fail to display. b. Don't add photo effects to the GIF image you inserted; otherwise, the GIF images can be fail to display. c. Don't crop the GIF images you inserted; otherwise, the image size displays abnormally.
  9. Don't insert inbound links in PowerPoint files, opening inbound links are not supported.
  10. Don't keep the ink and graffiti in the original PowerPoint; otherwise, it can cause transcoding failure.
  11. Notes when making PowerPoint animation effects: a. Don't use unsupported PowerPoint animation effects. For details, see Supported PowerPoint animation effects. b. Don't use more than 5 animation effects on each slide of the PowerPoint files; otherwise, it can easily cause slow file loading or loading failure. c. Don't use more than 1 animation effects for each trigger; otherwise, the presentation content can out of sync in multiple devices. d. Try to avoid using cross-page dynamic animation effects on each slide; otherwise, the presentation content can out of sync in multiple devices. e. Don't set up the animations/links that will trigger the slide turning; otherwise, the presentation content can out of sync in multiple devices. f. When adding dynamic animation effects to the text, don't add it when you are editng the text, add it when the text is edited. g. Don't add 3D animation effects to the elements. h. Don't set cyclic animation effects for the same element. i. Don't add a layer mask to the elements in PowerPoint slides; otherwise, the layer mask can affect the display and clicking effects of the elements. j. Don't click to execute the next animation effect when the previous animation effects has not completed; otherwise, the presentation content can out of sync in multiple devices. k. Use different text boxes to display text, mathematical formulas, etc., each animation effect step corresponds to a text box to make sure the playback of the animation effects won't be affected after transcoding.
  12. To ensure the clarity of the PowerPoint file, we recommend: a. Set the PowerPoint slide size to 2 times the default width and height (when making a PowerPoint, select the "Design> Slide Size> Custom Size" menu), for example, use 50 cm width and the 28 cm height when the ratio is 16:9; use 50 cm width and the 38 cm height when the ratio is 4:3; b. Use the HD interface for transcoding. And notice that the file will be larger after transcoding, which can easily cause the file to load slowly or fail.
  13. Don't hide any slides of the PowerPoint file; otherwise, the page may not be displayed normally.

Document files (Word or PDF)

  1. Document files can support up to 100 MB.
  2. The pages of Word files can't not exceed 500.
  3. We recommend that the document file size not to exceed 2 MB; otherwise, it can easily cause slow loading or failure for users with low bandwidth.
  4. The width of all pages of the same file must be the same; otherwise it can easily cause incomplete display of some pages or jitter.

Spreadsheet files (Excel)

  1. Spreadsheet files can support up to 10 MB.
  2. We recommend that the size of spreadsheet files not to exceed 2 MB; otherwise, it may easily cause slow loading or failure for users with low bandwidth.
  3. Make sure there are no more than 20 sheets; otherwise, it may easily cause errors.
  4. Don't set too many rows and columns when making Excel sheet, which can easily cause the file to be blurred.

Images (JPG, JPEG, PNG, BMP)

  1. Image can support up to 10 MB.
  2. We recommend that the size of images not to exceed 5 MB; otherwise, it may easily cause slow loading or failure for users with low bandwidth.

Text files (TXT)

  1. Text files can support up to 2 MB.
  2. We recommend you not to enter too much in a single line, and you can use the Word Wrap; otherwise, the file may displays abnormally.
  3. The lines of the text file can't exceed 10,000.
  4. If the text file contains Chinese, the file must be stored in UTF-8 encoding format; otherwise, it can easily cause garbled messages.

H5 files

  1. H5 files can only be uploaded by ZIP package, and can support up to 50 MB.
  2. The compressed package must contain the entry file index.html; if support thumbnails is needed, put the thumbnails in the thumbnails directory that at the same level as the entry files, and the thumbnail names must be consistent with the configuration parameters passed in when uploading.
  3. To make sure everyone in the whiteboard room is in the same state, you need to call the ZEGOCLOUD bridge layer APIs to send the operation requests before operating files, and perform the actual operation in the returned callback.
  4. Don'y use the inline styles for the files.
  5. Don't user cyclic animation effects in the file, whether it is implemented through JSON or CSS.
  6. Support synchronizing partial audio and video. For details, refer to theH5 file sample code.
  7. To make sure everyone in the whiteboard room is in the same state, check the H5 file's compatibility with the browser and WebView.
  8. All operations in the file are correlated to the pages, make sure that each operation is performed on the corresponding page.
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