On-Premises Recording
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  • On-Premises Recording
  • Sample Codes
Sample Code

Demo Instructions

1 Run the Demo

Assume that the On-Premises Recording Demo is placed in the /root directory.

The content of the directory where the On-Premises Recording Demo is as follows:


cd ~/ZegoServerRecordingDemo


chmod 777 playrecorder




./playrecorder -a appID -r roomID -u userID -k token

The "appID" is the AppID of your project, "roomID" is the room ID to which the stream to be recording belongs, "userID" is the user ID to log in to the room, and "token" is the authentication token used to log in to the room. If no additional parameters are set, the default is to record 20 seconds, record a single stream, and generate an mp4 file with audio and video.

Note: If there is no stream in the filled roomID, the recording will not proceed.

  • Optional command-line additional parameters are as follows:

    -a - AppID of your project

    -r -- RoomID to which the recording stream belongs

    -u -- User ID to log in to the room

    -k -- Authentication token used to log in to the room

    -d -- Recording time, in minutes

    -m -- Recording mode, 1 means only record single stream, 2 means only record mixed stream, 3 means record both single stream and mixed stream

    -s -- Single stream recording type, 1 means only record audio, 2 means only record video, 3 means record audio and video

    -x -- Mixed stream recording type, 1 means only record audio, 2 means only record video, 3 means record audio and video

    -o -- Recording output mode, 1 means only record files are generated, 2 means only audio and video data are returned

    -t -- The output recording file type, single stream recording can only be mp4, mixed stream recording can be mp3 or mp4

    -g -- Generate mp3 files while generating mp4 files

    -b -- Cache size, the value range is [64k~1M], default is 1M

    -h -- help, no parameter values

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