Client APIs

    Function Overview

    Last updated:2024-03-21 16:55

    ZEGO Express SDKs provide rich APIs for you to quickly build audio/video calling and live streaming capabilities into your applications based on ZEGO's cloud live streaming platform. With a powerful audio/video processing engine and a global real-time network, the platform is providing high-quality and reliable cloud audio/video streaming services to businesses around the world.

    ZEGO Express SDKs are available for all major platforms, including Android, iOS, Mac, Windows, and Web.

    Method Description
    uploadLog Upload local logs
    setRoomScenario set room scenario
    destroyEngine destroy Engine
    setGeoFence Set Geo Fence.
    setEngineOptions Set engine advanced configuration.
    use Import module, you can import other modules on demand through this interface.
    setTurnServer Turn server configuration for proxy.
    callExperimentalAPI The error log information alert indicates that the default test environment is all on
    checkSystemRequirements Support capability detection interface
    off Delete the registered callback event
    on Register callback event
    enableMultiRoom turn on multi room mode
    setLogConfig Advanced log configuration
    setCloudProxyConfig Set up cloud proxy configuration.
    setLocalProxyConfig Set local proxy configuration.
    setDebugVerbose The error log information alert indicates that the default test environment is all on
    getVersion Get the current SDK version

    Room functions

    Method Description
    loginRoom Login room
    logoutRoom Exit the room and no longer accept various state in the room
    renewToken Update room permission token
    setRoomExtraInfo Set room extra information

    Stream Publishing Functions

    Method Description
    createStreamCompositor Create a broadcast station
    setSEIConfig Set SEI related configuration information
    setEngineConfig Set engine advanced configuration.
    createStream Create push streaming data sources, including camera microphone collection source data, screen sharing data, third-party source data (other source data that can be played on the page)
    createZegoStream Create an instance of the push object ZegoLocalStream. The integrated functions of ZegoLocalStream include camera microphone capture, screen sharing capture, third-party source data (other source data that can be played on the page), and playback preview of the collected stream.
    updatePublishingStream Used to update audio and video tracks of ZegoLocalStream instances that are being pushed
    getPublishingStreamQuality Get the publishing stream quality.
    getElectronScreenSources Called when screen sharing is required in the electron framework to return screen list data
    destroyStream Destroy the created stream data
    checkVideoTrackIsActive Check whether the video track is active.
    checkAudioTrackIsActive Check whether the audio track is active.
    startPublishingStream Start publishing stream
    stopPublishingStream Stop pushing the local stream to the remote end (Zego server)
    sendSEI Sends Supplemental Enhancement Information.
    setVideoConfig Modify push streaming parameters
    setAudioConfig Modify the relevant parameters of push streaming audio
    replaceTrack Replace the audio and video tracks of the media stream
    addTrack Add an audio or video track to a media stream.
    removeTrack Remove video track from media stream.
    setCaptureVolume After the stream is created, the volume can be adjusted through this interface
    setDummyCaptureImagePath Set the path of the still picture to be pushed off
    setStreamExtraInfo Set additional information for the stream
    addPublishCdnUrl Notify the instant server to forward the stream to the CDN
    removePublishCdnUrl Notify the instant server to stop forwarding the stream to the CDN
    mutePublishStreamVideo Close/open the streaming screen being pushed
    mutePublishStreamAudio Turn on/off the streaming sound that is being pushed, including the sound of the microphone and mixed background music
    setEffectsBeauty Turn beauty effect on or off
    setLowlightEnhancement Set low light enhancement.
    enableDualStream enable dual stream
    setLowStreamParameter set low stream parameter
    enableHardwareEncoder On/off hardware encoding.
    enableAutoSwitchDevice Turn on or off automatic switching of related devices
    initBackgroundModule Initialize the background processing module.
    setBackgroundBlurOptions Set parameters for background blur of the stream.
    setVirtualBackgroundOptions Set virtual background related processing parameters.
    setTransparentBackgroundOptions Set transparent background related processing parameters.
    enableBackgroundProcess Turn on background processing.
    setVoiceChangerParam Sound modification processing.
    setVoiceChangerPreset Sound modification processing.
    setReverbPreset Set reverb via preset enum.
    enableVirtualStereo Enable or disable the virtual stereo effect when streaming.
    enableAiDenoise Incoming media stream, turn AI noise reduction on or off
    setAiDenoiseMode Incoming media stream, turn AI noise reduction on or off
    setStreamAlignmentProperty Turn on or off the mixed flow precise alignment function.
    playAudio Play a audio of the media stream to be pushed or that has been pushed on the page.
    playCaptureAudio Plays the latest media stream audio that is being captured.
    playCaptureVideo Plays a video of the latest media stream being captured on the page.
    playVideo Play a video of the media stream to be pushed or that has been pushed on the page.
    stopAudio Stop playing the audio in the stream to be pushed or being pushed.
    stopCaptureAudio Stop capturing audio.
    stopCaptureVideo Stop capturing video.
    stopPlayCaptureAudio Stop playing the audio of the latest captured media stream.
    stopPlayCaptureVideo Stop the page from playing all the latest streaming videos that are being captured.
    stopVideo Stop playing the video in the stream to be pushed or being pushed.
    resumeAudio Restore the audio that is being pushed or is being pushed on the playback page.
    resumeVideo Restore the video that is being pushed or is being pushed on the playback page.
    startCaptureCamera Start capturing camera video stream.
    startCaptureCameraAndMicrophone Start capturing camera and microphone stream.
    startCaptureCustomAudio Start capturing custom audio stream.
    startCaptureCustomVideo Start capturing custom video stream.
    startCaptureCustomVideoAndAudio Start capturing custom video and audio stream.
    startCaptureMicrophone Start capturing microphone audio stream.
    startCaptureScreen Start capturing the screen sharing video stream.
    startCaptureScreenWithAudio Start capturing the screen sharing video and sharing audio stream.
    setVolume Set the volume at which to play the audio that is being pushed or is being streamed.
    on Register callback event.
    off Unregister callback events.
    takeStreamSnapshot Client screenshot

    Stream Playing Functions

    Method Description
    startPlayingStream Start playing stream
    stopPlayingStream Stop pulling remote streams (Zego server)
    mutePlayStreamVideo Stop or resume pulling video stream
    setAudioFrameCallback Set the callback for streaming raw audio data
    muteAllPlayAudioStreams Whether the pull stream receives all audio data (including newly pulled streams in the room later)
    muteAllPlayVideoStreams Whether the pull stream receives all audio data (including newly pulled streams in the room later)
    mutePlayStreamAudio Stop or resume pulling audio streams
    getPlayingStreamQuality Get the playing stream quality.

    Instant Messaging Functions

    Method Description
    sendBarrageMessage Send room barrage message, the message is not guaranteed to be reliable
    sendBroadcastMessage Send broadcast message (messages are guaranteed to be reliable)
    sendCustomCommand send custom command, the message is reliable

    Stream Mixing Functions

    Method Description
    startMixerTask Start mixer task
    stopMixerTask Stop server-side mixer task
    setMixerTaskConfig Mixed flow advanced configuration

    Audio Mixing Functions

    Method Description
    startMixingAudio Start Mixing Audio
    stopMixingAudio Stop mixing audio
    setMixingAudioVolume Set the mixing volume
    enableLiveAudioEffect Enables or disables the sound enhancement.
    setAudioChangerParam The incoming audio is altered.

    Device Management Functions

    Method Description
    enableVideoCaptureDevice Turn on/off the video capture device.
    enumDevices Obtain the device hardware information and provide the device id parameter for operating the hardware device interface.
    getCameras Get the list of camera devices and provide the device id parameter for operating the hardware device interface.
    getMicrophones Get the list of microphone devices and provide the device id parameter for operating the hardware device interface.
    getSpeakers Get the list of speaker devices and provide the device id parameter for operating the hardware device interface.
    useFrontCamera Switch camera
    useVideoDevice Switch camera
    useAudioDevice Switch microphone
    useAudioOutputDevice Switch the audio output device.
    setSoundLevelDelegate Set whether to monitor the sound wave and the sound wave callback interval
    isMicrophoneMuted Get microphone mute status
    muteMicrophone mute microphone

    Stream View

    Method Description
    play Play the audio and video of the media stream on the page.
    stop Stop showing audio and video on the page.
    resume Resume playing audio and video on the page.
    setAudioMuted Switch audio playback.
    setVideoMuted Switch video playback.
    useAudioOutputDevice Switch the audio output device.
    setVolume Set the audio playback volume.
    on Register callback event.
    off Unregister callback events.
    takeStreamSnapshot Client screenshot
    createLocalStreamView Create a local media stream player component instance object.
    createRemoteStreamView Create a remote media stream player component instance object.

    Audio Effect Player

    Method Description
    start Start playing sound effects.
    stop Stop playing sound effects.
    pause Start playing sound effects.
    resume Resume playing sound.
    setVolume Setting the playback volume of a single sound effect will set both the local playback volume and the streaming volume.
    getTotalDuration Get the total duration of the specified sound effect resource.
    getCurrentProgress Get the current playback progress.
    seekTo Set the playback progress.
    createAudioEffectPlayer Create a audio effect player instance.
    loadAudioEffect Load sound resources.
    unloadAudioEffect Unload the sound resource.

    Range Audio Functions

    Method Description
    createRangeAudioInstance Create a range voice instance object.
    enableAudioSourceUpdateChecker Whether to check for changes to users in range.
    on Register callback event.
    off Unregister callback events.
    setAudioReceiveRange Set the maximum range of audio reception distances.
    updateSelfPosition Update the position and orientation of the listener.
    updateAudioSource Add or update sound source position information.
    enableSpatializer Switch Spatializer.
    enableMicrophone Switch microphone.
    selectMicrophone Specifies the microphone device.
    selectSpeaker Specifies the speaker device.
    enableSpeaker Switch speaker.
    setRangeAudioCustomMode High-level customization mode for setting range voices.
    setRangeAudioMode Set the range audio mode.
    setTeamID Set the team ID.
    setPositionUpdateFrequency Set how often the location is updated in real-time inside the SDK.
    setRangeAudioVolume Set the local playback volume of the range audio.
    enableAiDenoise Scope Voice turns AI noise reduction on or off.
    isAudioContextRunning Determine whether the AudioContext object is enabled.
    resumeAudioContext Enable the internal AudioContext object.
    setStreamVocalRange Set the streaming audio sending range.
    updateStreamPosition Update the position of the pull stream.
    setCustomSourceVocalRange Set custom sound source send range.
    updateCustomSourcePosition Add or update custom sound source location information.

    Copyrighted Music

    Method Description
    initCopyrightedMusic Initialize the copyright music module.
    on Register callback event.
    sendExtendedRequest Send an extension feature request.
    requestResource Send an extension feature request.
    getSharedResource Get shared song resources.
    getLrcLyric Get the lyrics in lrc format.
    getKrcLyricByToken Get lyrics in krc format.
    download Download a song or accompaniment.
    clearCache Clear song cache.
    startScore Start Scoring.
    stopScore Stop Scoring.
    pauseScore pause scoring.
    resumeScore resume scoring.
    resetScore reset the score.
    getPreviousScore Get the score of the previous sentence.
    getAverageScore Get the average rating.
    getTotalScore Get the total score.
    getFullScore Get full marks.
    getStandardPitch Get standard pitch data.
    getCurrentPitch Get real-time pitch data.
    setScoringLevel Set the scoring difficulty level.
    createCopyrightedMusic Create a copyrighted music instance object.
    destroyCopyrightedMusic Destroy a copyrighted music instance object.

    Real-Time Sequential Data

    Method Description
    createRealTimeSequentialDataManager Create real-time sequential data instance objects
    destroyRealTimeSequentialDataManager destroy real-time sequential data instance objects
    startBroadcasting start Broadcasting
    stopBroadcasting stop Broadcasting
    sendRealTimeSequentialData send RealTime Sequential Data
    startSubscribing start Subscribing
    stopSubscribing stopSubscribing
    on Register callback event.
    off Unregister callback events.

    Player plug-in (Separate integration)

    Method Description
    ZegoExpressPlayer Player plug-in constructor
    destroy Destroy player
    fullScreen Player plays in full screen
    getPlayQuality Player get quality
    onCanPlay Player CDN resource playable callback
    onError Player error callback
    onLoaded CDN resource loading end callback
    onMediaInfoUpdate Playback CDN resource media information update callback
    onPaused Player rendering pause callback
    onPlay Player rendering (play resource) starts callback
    onPlaying Playback loads enough data that playback can be resumed.
    onTimeUpdate Callback for current playback time change
    onWaiting Playback has stopped due to temporary lack of data.
    pause The player starts playing
    play The player starts playing
    resume The player re-pulls the current CDN live stream.
    setMuted Player settings playback mute switch
    setVolume Player volume settings
    verify Player authentication
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